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The college corporation is responsible for the overall functioning of Kirklees College.

The Corporation oversees the college’s strategic direction, financial performance and quality of service provided to learners and the community. The Corporation Board is made up of highly experienced individuals, who have extensive experience across industry, business, law, finance and the community, as well as students and staff.

The Corporation meets at least once each term to discuss the college’s strategy and its progress on key performance matters. The Corporation also has several governor committees which look at the college’s performance on finance and quality matters and in more detail at all key areas of the business.

Governors also play an active role in college life through support and advice, as well as attending events and promoting the good work the college does in the community.

The Corporation

Palvinder Singh

Palvinder Singh

Executive Governor

Professional Background

Palvinder joined Kirklees College as Principal and Chief Executive in June 2021. He has worked in further education since 2000 and has held a range of senior appointments, most recently as Group Deputy Principal (Finance, Planning and Resources) for NCG. Prior to this, he held senior positions at both Luminate Education Group (formerly Leeds City College) and Barnsley College.

Special Interests

Strategic planning, curriculum improvement, financial and business planning, culture change, strategic partnerships with employers and government agencies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Chair of the Association of Colleges EDI steering group.

Corporation Roles

Appointed 06.06.21. Member of the Finance, Quality, Safeguarding, and Search & Governance Committees.


Cristina George

Independent Member

Professional background
Human Resources and Training background in Local Government including management of large YTS/Apprenticeship scheme. TEC /LSC for 20 years at senior level including Area Review/Provider Management/Mergers/ESF. Senior Adviser YPLA/EFA 4 years. Now semi-retired.

Special interests
LLDD & Safeguarding; Quality; Curriculum; Equality & Diversity; Data;Finance

Corporation roles
Appointed 23.5.14. Corporation vice-chair. Member of QPS, Finance, Executive Employment, Search & Governance and Safeguarding Committees (Chair); Member of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Group (Chair); Governor Representative on Student Voice Forum. Link Governor for SEND, Safeguarding, and mental health.

Fara Butt

Fara Butt

Independent Member

Professional background
Sales and marketing director for a Yorkshire-based bed manufacturer and a member of the board of the National Bed Federation. Also a qualified and experienced teacher of KS3 English, having a Diploma in Education Management.

Special interests
Promoting business and entrepreneurial skills amongst women and young people.

Corporation roles
Appointed 13.12.19. Member of Executive Employment Committee.

Gerard Hetherington

Gerard Hetherington

Chair of Corporation

Professional background
Career civil servant for 33 years, with 22 of these in the Department of Health, including 10 years at Director level working on Health Protection and Clinical Programmes (cancer and heart disease etc.) Now retired.

Special interests
Curriculum, performance management and governance. Links with employers, particularly in the NHS.

Corporation roles
Appointed 15.5.15. Chair of Corporation. Chair of People, Culture and Governance Committee. Member of Finance; QPS; People, Culture & Governance and Safeguarding Committees. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Group. Estates Strategy Advisory Group.

Alistair Conn

Alistair Conn

Independent Member

Professional background
Retired Company Director with experience of general management and commissioning, start-up and production management of manufacturing plants and driving up their efficiency.

Special interests
Apprenticeships, Health & Safety (“H&S”)

Corporation roles
Appointed 6.10.17. Member of Audit Committee and H&S link governor.

Fes Parvez

Fes Parvez

Independent Member

Professional background
An experienced Probation Officer with Kirklees Probation Service, Fes brings a wealth of experience of complex issues such as forced marriage, hate based crime, generational poverty, knife crime, substance misuse, homelessness, county lines and grooming; all significant challenges that many of our young people sadly face. As a product of Further Education himself, attending one of the College’s predecessor institutions, and through his many years of experience working with offenders and those at risk of offending, Fes has become a firm believer in the power of education to create opportunities and change lives. Fes also has experience of caring for vulnerable adults, working with the charity Creative Support.

Special interests
Safeguarding, Prevent

Corporation Roles
Appointed 25 March 2022 Member of Safeguarding Committee Strategic Priority Link Governor

The Independent Director of Governance

Clause 4(1) of Schedule 4 to the Further & Higher Education Act 1992 provides that all Further Education Corporations must provide for the appointment of a ‘Clerk’ within their governing documents. Many colleges use a different title for the person who occupies this key statutory role; at Kirklees we call it the Director of Governance.

The Director of Governance is independent from management, in order to be able to offer impartial advice to the Corporation.

The main responsibilities of the Director of Governance are:
1. To support the Corporation in meeting high standards of governance and fulfilling legal or regulatory requirements.
2. To provide guidance on legal issues relating to governance, as well as the implications of policy or regulatory developments.
3. To advise the Corporation with regard to the operation of its powers.

4. To advise the Corporation with regard to procedural matters.
5. To advise the Corporation with regard to the conduct of its business.

As an independent officer of the Corporation, the Director of Governance plays a key role in ensuring that the college’s system of checks and balances operates effectively.

The Director of Governance is appointed by and accountable to the Corporation only. There is a clear separation of functions and lines of reporting and the main responsibility for managing the Director of Governance rests with the Chair of the Corporation.

The current Director of Governance & Compliance, Carol Tague, may be contacted at ctague@kirkleescollege.ac.uk.

Governance Documents

Corporation Board and Committee Minutes

Academic Year 2024 - 2025

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Academic Year 2024 - 2025

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Academic Year 2020 - 2021

Other Documents

In 2022, an external review of governance was undertaken by consultancy firm the Governance Forum. We are pleased to share their findings, as set out in this summary report below. The review looked at the culture and quality of discussion in board meetings; the quality and focus of meeting packs; and took a general overview of board performance via discussions with current Governors.


Where development needs were identified, these were discussed and have informed our development plan. Across the majority of areas assessed, the Corporation showed strength and confidence. The board meeting observation demonstrated that the board is operating at a good level, while the review of meeting packs concluded that the papers presented to the board ranged from good to very good.

Could you be a Kirklees College Governor?

Whether you are an experienced trustee or board member or are looking to take your first step at board level, we want to hear from you. We need talented people to join our team who are well networked and will bring a high level of understanding of the barriers to learning many of our learners face.

You might be an environmental or digital guru, a community or faith leader, have expertise in policing or family law, have overcome barriers to learning yourself or have experience of promoting equality and diversity. Whatever your background, you will be a strong believer in the transformative power of education and will share our college values.

Information for Prospective Governors and Application Forms

Due to the loss of two valued and long-serving board members, we now seek to appoint a new Independent Governor at Kirklees College.

As well as being a member of the Corporation, the successful candidate will be invited to join one of the Corporation’s committees and can share their professional expertise, whilst providing appropriate challenge and scrutiny.

We would particularly like to hear from individuals with skills and experience in:

  • Finance
  • Estates/Property
  • Law
  • Digital
  • Human Resources

To apply, please email the application form and EDI monitoring form to Carol Tague, Director of Governance and Compliance, ctague@kirkleescollege.ac.uk.

Please note that current students and staff are not able to apply for this role.