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Awards & Achievements

Celebrating the hard work & effort everyone puts in

We love to celebrate success and recognise the hard work, effort and achievements of all our students, whatever their learning path. We recognise attendance, attitude and our top apprentices, alongside academic achievement and external competitions.

Our fantastic awards evenings and graduation ceremonies honour those achievements, giving our students their rights of passage, their moment in the spotlight and their chance to don those well-earned Cap and Gowns.

College Outstanding Learner Success (COLS)

The jewel in our awards crown, COLS, showcases the talent and achievements of our students and staff as they celebrate their learning journey together. Our themed annual celebration is one of the most anticipated dates of the year.

The COLS 2024 Award Winners

KC Stars

We also love to recognise the hard work our dedicated staff do for the college through our KC Stars awards evening which celebrates the achievements of our outstanding staff over the year.

The KC Stars 2022 Award Winners


We had an incredible time seeing students, tutors, family and friends come together to celebrate the spectacular achievements of our graduates at our Kirklees College Graduation ceremony.