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T Levels Explained for Employers

T Levels: The new qualification designed with employers for the workforce of the future

T Levels are new two-year qualifications for 16-19 years olds that follow GCSEs, with one T Level being equivalent to three A Levels. These qualifications have been designed with over 250 global and leading employers to help young people develop the knowledge, attitude and practical skills to thrive in the workplace.

In each T Level, students will undertake a 45-day industry placement which will give employers early access to the brightest talent entering your industry.

What are the benefits of an industry placement to an employer?

Industry placements give you a chance to look at the new talent coming into your industry. They can help you by opening up the talent pool for future recruitment, improve your organisation’s productivity and bring new ideas to the table. 

Whether you want to attract new talent or up-skill your workforce, we know your staff will be more motivated, engaged and loyal if you are investing in their growth and the future. There are so many ways your business can benefit from having an industry placement at your business.

Cost Effective Channel for Recruitment

Improved Diversity

Develop Young People in your Industry

Return on Investment

Enhanced Brand Image and Profile

Everything employers need to know about Kirklees College's T Levels

Kirklees College offers T Levels in Animal Care, Business, Construction, Digital, Education and Childcare, Engineering, Health & Social Care and Science.

Want to know more about a specific T Level? Click on one of the Employer Information Sheets below to learn more.

Our T Level Employers Information Sheets

Everything you need to know

Everything you need to know

T Levels are new two-year courses, developed in collaboration with employers and providers so that the course meets the needs of industry and prepares students for the world of work. 

T Levels are two years of full-time study but also include an industry placement. Students’ time will be split with 80% in the classroom learning and 20% on an industry placement with an employer to help give students the skills for a future career.

An industry placement lasts around 45 days over the two-year course and can be undertaken as individual days or in a set block. The length of a students’ placement and when it will take place will differ depending on the T Level they choose to study.

Industry placements help your organisation:


  • Find solutions for entry-level skills shortages
  • Develop future talent for your business
  • Capitalise on new ideas and a fresh perspective

T Levels are part of the government’s plan to simplify vocational education by providing a clear and high-quality, technical alternative to the current range of post-16 education and training options.

Employers who have co-designed T Levels span a range of industries, and include household names, such as Fujitsu, Skanska and GlaxoSmithKline, as well as many smaller employers.


The main difference is that with a T Level, is that a student’s time will be split 80% in the classroom, with the remaining 20% in an industry placement at your workplace. For an apprenticeship, 80% of the  time is spent in the workplace on the job and 20% is classroom learning. 


With an Apprenticeship, students will earn a wage while they work. It’s usually four days a week working, supported by one day a week of study at college. Employment must be secured to become an apprentice.

Meet Our Business Development Team

In a world that constantly changes, our dedicated Business Development Team successfully adapts to support the ever-changing needs of the business community.

Working alongside organisations, we understand the business benefits of producing home-grown talent, customised skills and delivering a training framework that is aligned to the role, the individual and the company needs.

The Huddersfield centre campus for Kirklees College

Want to know more about T Levels? Get in touch

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Contact us regarding any apprenticeship related queries by email or telephone; we are here to help you achieve the very best during your time at Kirklees College.