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Parents & Carers

Working Together Parents & Carers Booklet

Studying with Kirklees College

Our students are at the heart of who we are and what we do. We strive to deliver a fun, safe and inspirational learning environment for everyone, students, teachers and parents/carers, by working together to build a supportive partnership that create opportunities and changes lives.

We appreciate that as parent/carers, helping to make decisions about career choices and further study can be daunting and you may have questions.

We are here to support you through the process, enabling you to help make the right choices at the right time.

We pride ourselves in being a college of opportunity and we offer a wide range of vocational courses not readily available at school sixth forms. Our courses are underpinned by strong links with employers, providing students with work experience opportunities to help prepare them for work.

We offer an inclusive learning environment where we celebrate diversity, embrace challenge, encourage success and enable opportunity, all positive stepping stones for our students as they work towards building a rewarding future.

As a parent/carer, you can always see how your young person is doing via the parent portal. If you have any concerns then you can contact their Pastoral Mentor or tutors. We work very closely with parents/carers to support our students to achieve the best results they can. You will be invited to two parents’/carers’ evenings which take place either face to face or online using Student Cloud.

When a young person enrols as a student at Kirklees College, they are agreeing to uphold our values and meet the expectations of the behaviour for learning.

Kirklees College is an
Ofsted Rated ‘Good’ Provider

We are proud to be rated as a ‘Good’ provider across all areas by Ofsted.

Virtual Parent/Carer Information Evening

Missed our information evening? Catch up with our webinar!

Has your young person already applied for a course to start in September or are they unsure of what they want to study? Catch up with the recording of our Virtual Parent/Carer Information Evening to get the information you need.

At our Virtual Parent/Carer Information Evening, we presented a short webinar to provide further information about college life and expectations, the support available and how you will be kept informed about your young person’s progress at college.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Student Recruitment Team on 01484 437092 or email sturec@kirkleescollege.ac.uk

Virtual Parent/Carer Information Evenings

These events will be hosted by our Vice Principal and Assistant Principal team. They will provide further information about college life and expectations, the support available and how you will be kept informed about your childs progress at college.

Letter and emails have gone out to all applicants holding an offer who are in Year 11. They are not subject or centre specific, general information.
Book online. Links in letter and email.

Which Virtual Parent/Carer Information Evening will you be attending?

You will need Microsoft Teams installed on your device in order to join one of our sessions.

Joining on a mobile device

If you are using your mobile device to join us you will need to download the Microsoft Teams app. Head to the App Store, search Microsoft Teams and download, once downloaded come back to this page and click on the URL link below a few minutes before the event is due to start.

Joining on a Laptop

If you are joining us on a laptop once you have clicked on the link, “click watch on the web instead” then click “join anonymously” when prompted. If you need further help or more information on how to join our live webinars please call 01484 437070.

Trouble downloading Microsoft Teams on an Android device?

If you are having trouble downloading Microsoft Teams on your Android device, this short video will explain how to overcome the error and get connected https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/cert

Virtual Parent/Carer Information Evenings

Wednesday 7 July


Thursday 8 July


Virtual Parent/Carers Evening FAQs

A:  For the majority of students, it will be online via an enrolment link on GCSE results day (Thursday 22 August). Letters on how to complete the enrolment link will be sent home at the end of July which will include confirming we have the correct email address to send your enrolment link to.


All applicants will receive an allocated time to complete their enrolment link. If you are on holiday with no access to Wi-Fi then please ensure you contact the Applications Team so they can reserve your place. Foundation Learning students, students with an EHCP and ESOL students will be given the option to come in and enrol in-person if this is better suited to their learning needs.

A: Their letter will give them instructions on what to do. We have an Enrolment Call Centre that they can call for help 01484 437100. This line will be open from 12 August to deal with enrolment enquiries.

In most instances, it isn’t a problem to drop a student down to the level below. Equally, if their grades come in higher than anticipated, we can look to move them to a higher level. The main thing is don’t worry, contact the number on your enrolment letter. It will also be on our enrolment page on the website www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk

A: When you get your enrolment letter from the Applications Team, it will provide you with instructions on how to contact them to arrange for your place to be reserved if you are not able to complete your enrolment at the allocated time. If you don’t contact us, we can’t guarantee that we can reserve your place.

A: Term starts Wednesday 4 September but not all students will be in on that day. It will depend on their individual timetables.

A:  Timetables for full-time students will be made available on Friday 30 August. Students will receive a text message when their timetable is available to view online. They can access their timetable via the VLE. Instructions on how to see their timetable will be emailed to them as part of their enrolment confirmation email.

A: Students who don’t have grade 4 or above will continue to resit their GCSE English and/or maths. If a student has an EHCP then bespoke arrangements can be put in place to consider an alternative qualification but all other students will need to re-sit. This is government legislation but also puts students in a better position to secure employment as we know employers are looking for these grades as well.

A: If you qualify for free school meals then you will probably qualify for free college meals via the bursary scheme. You can apply via the college website on the student support page HERE or there will be a link to student finance when you complete your enrolment link. We really recommend you apply before college starts due to the high volume of students who apply for support.  

A: Students can pay by card or cash. Bursary students have their daily allowance linked to their ID card and use that to pay. We don’t offer a traditional cashless vending system like schools do where you can put money on their account.

A: No, we don’t provide college buses to transport students. We recommend that you check local transport routes in advance of the start of college. All college students are eligible for a bus pass and bursary students can apply for help with the cost of travel to college. More information is available on our website.

A: All parents can access Parent Portal. Instructions on how to join this will be emailed to the parental email provided at enrolment. This shows your young person’s attendance and their progress on their course. We send reports home and will have parents’ evenings. If you have any concerns, you will also be provided with contact details for your young person’s allocated Tutor and Personal Development Coach who will be your first point of contact for any concerns.

A:  We don’t have a college uniform but for some courses, students may be expected to wear industry appropriate outfits. For example, in Hair and Beauty, Hospitality and Catering, Sport and Uniformed Protective Services and Travel and Tourism, you have to wear a uniform. Our Admissions Team are in the process of sending out information about these and how to buy them. If you have concerns about the cost of this then our Student Finance Team may be able to help. For other courses, you may need safety boots and overalls. Again, this information will be sent out by the Admissions team. For all other students, we ask that they dress respectfully and appropriately for college (no offensive slogans or logos) and that coats, hats and hoods are not worn in class.

A: Some but not all curriculum areas have lockers. Lockers are for students who may need to bring specific kit for their course (e.g. Catering students to store their knife sets) or who may have to change for some classes (Sport students)

A: If a student has an EHCP then we will be involved in the process and agree what support we will provide. For all other students, you will have the opportunity to declare support needs and we will do our best, where possible, to accommodate these. A letter will be going out to applicants’ parents with a link to an online form to declare any support needs.

A: If they have a copy of their Form 8 and/or Form 9 from school, please ask your young person to bring it to their first class. The deadline for registering for exam concessions is early October 2024.  You can also apply for exam concessions using our online form HERE.

A:  We have an Apprenticeships Team who can help you find an employer. They also have lists of employers looking for potential apprentices and can share CV’s on your behalf. Their email is apprenticeships@kirkleescollege.ac.uk. In most instances, if you do not manage to secure suitable employment for your apprenticeship, we will try to find you a place on one of our full-time courses whilst you continue to look.

A:  Unlike schools, we don’t have set college days. Lesson times vary across different areas but students will usually be in for 3 days a week. If they have to re-sit both their GCSEs then this will usually stretch to 4 days. T Level students can be timetabled for 5 days a week as they have more hours built into their qualification. Where possible we try to ensure that students don’t have large gaps in their timetable but it might be they are not in for a whole day. Classes usually start at 9am but this could be early in some areas and it isn’t unusual for classes to run until 5pm. Breaks and lunches are staggered across the day to manage the flow of students using breakout areas and refectories.

A: You won’t be fined but we really don’t encourage students miss college to go on holiday as this can have a serious impact on their learning and achievement. Students will be expected to achieve their target attendance rate at the end of the year to be able to progress and this can easily be impacted if they have holiday during term time.

Programmes and Open Days

Which way now? We offer a wide range of options – but which one is right? Our team is here to support you make the right choice.

The Personal Development Programme has five different strands designed to support students’ personal development alongside their curriculum knowledge.

Your Personal Development Coach will cover five themes: Keeping Safe, Wellbeing, Behaviours and Attitudes, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Upskilling and Progression. All students have this programme built into their timetable.

Please email support@kirkleescollege.ac.uk if you need the contact details for your young person’s pastoral mentor.

Come and join us at our Open Days! Our website has plenty of information regarding courses but an Open Day is a chance for you to see what studying at Kirklees College is really like.

Taster Sessions

Taster sessions are an excellent way for you to try a subject area before you enrol on the course. Our taster sessions are available to years 9 – 13, and would normally take place in college either during the school day or in a twilight session after school.

Reporting an Absence

We operate an absent reporting procedure. Students are expected to report and take ownership of their own absence, we do however appreciate that this is not always possible and that a Parent/Carer will inform us of a student’s absence.

If an absence is not reported then this will be classed and registered as unauthorised and text sent to the student and parent/carer.

We expect a high level of attendance from our students. It’s important for their wellbeing and progression and demonstrates value and respect for their education and those providing it.

Via Text

Text 07860097457 before the first lesson of the day using ONE of the following buzz words:


When you are unwell


Problems with getting to college due to transport


Doctor, hospital, dental appointments


NUS business, probation, court appearance, job interview


If you are delayed coming into college


Bereavement/Funeral of close family member

Using ONE of the Text BUZZ words above, send your text using this format: MEDICAL(space)enrolment number
Example: MEDICAL 110275

Reporting an absence

You can also call or email the college to report an absence, but please make sure you do this by 8:45am.

Everything you need to know

As a parent/carer you can review the progress of your young person through the parent portal. To gain access to this, you need to be the first next of kin contact registered on our system and have provided an email address so we can send you your unique log in details. If you wish to enable a second parent access please contact us.  

We hold parent/carer evenings twice a year and you can contact the  programme lead at any time to discuss progress over the phone.

The ‘miss it miss out’ system is in place to report any planned or unplanned absences. You can email, phone or text to report absence or unexpected lateness. Find the email, phone number or text number here

Please contact the Personal Development Tutor or Pastoral Mentor if a student wants to discuss changing courses. The college careers service is also available by appointment, students can book an appointment at college

Students that are aged 16-18 without a grade 4 or above in their GCSE English and maths must continue to study these subjects as part of their study programme.

This is government legislation and applies to all students irrespective of which institution they study at.

As a parent/carer of a Kirklees College student, it’s important that you are kept up-to-date with your child’s progress and development, all of which we discuss at our parents’ evening.  You’ll receive a letter inviting you to attend, and when and where the evening will be.

Click here to book online

Find out about our enrolment process and when the next enrolment dates are go to our enrolment page here

The college’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Carlie Smith, Safeguarding and Behaviour Manager. Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads are Rory Hillas (07850 104 155) and Amie McGowan (07866 795 073). You can also email safeguarding@kirkleescollege.ac.uk to contact the Safeguarding team. Alternatively, if a student feels they or someone else is at risk they can speak to any member of staff who will help them.

Any student can apply for the college bursary for support with travel costs, equipment, childcare, trips and free meals. This is means tested – find out more at Financial Support

Quite often a complaint can be resolved at an informal level. If you email your complaint to the college or telephone you will be advised about the formal and informal complaints process.

Should wish to make a formal complaint, please download the complaints form and policy here and Email us here

It’s important that our students have access to wide range of support should they feel they need it, including additional support from learning assistants and mentors. We also offer a confidential counselling service.

Go our support page here

Our Commitment to you


Ofsted Report

It’s GOOD news for Kirklees College as we have been awarded a Grade 2 (Good) for the second time in recognition for the achievement and progress that learners make whilst studying with us. Inspectors said the college had maintained the good quality provision and outcomes achieved by students and apprentices.