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Virtual Resources

The impact of Covid19 means that we are all having to re-evaluate how we do things.

In the past we have opened up all our centres to families for open days, had large groups in for taster sessions and run Year 10 visits, where we have hundreds of students in our buildings. Unfortunately with current restrictions this is not possible.

Deciding what to do after Year 11 can be confusing for many young people and their families at the best of times, and without access to careers conventions and visits it can be even more confusing. With this in mind we have put together a host of “virtual activities” that can support young people and their families in the decision making process and still allow you to view our facilities and talk to our staff.

We have moved our open days to “virtual” open days, taking place online, with the first events in November (further events will take place in January and March). The virtual open days focus on full-time courses and apprenticeships and are aimed at school leavers or anyone up to the age of 18, and their parent/carers. These events include centre tours of our facilities, presentations from curriculum teams and support teams, plus you can chat with our tutors during live Q&A sessions. For further information and to book a place please visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/virtual-open-days/

For Teachers / Careers Advisors we have already produced and recorded a core Kirklees College assembly presentation, and have a presentation about Apprenticeships available. We are currently working with curriculum teams on creating virtual activities that can be run in partnership with schools and developing on-line taster sessions for students to participate in. If you require more specific resources then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Keep watching this space for more updates but if you have any questions please contact us on sturec@kirkleescollege.ac.uk

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