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three female and one male students sat in front of a map, at desks

Project SEARCH is a Supported Internship programme committed to transforming the lives of young adults with a learning disability. We partner with organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors to create supported employment opportunities for young people in their last year of education, helping them to take positive first steps into the world of work.

At the end of the programme, on average 60% to 70% of DFN Project SEARCH graduates move into full-time employment.

You can apply to do a Project SEARCH in either Huddersfield with Kirklees Council or Dewsbury with the NHS.

Currently you do need an EHCP to apply for this programme.

What's on offer?

Kirklees Council

Interns at Kirklees Council can do a range of jobs within the organisation, including:

  • Library assistant
  • Cleaning
  • Construction jobs with the Homes and Neighbourhoods team
  • Admin in the workforce strategy department
  • Highways Design and Road Safety

Dewsbury Hospital

  • Working in the wards
  • Working in the IT department
  • Print services
  • Booking clerk
  • Catering services
  • Kirklees Direct Customer Service
  • Nursery

Other placements:

  • Greenhead Park café
  • Gardening at Deer Wood Park
  • Catering at Cherry Trees Residential Home
  • Dewsbury Moor Children’s Centre
  • Oxfam Mirfield

Take a look at Project Search

Tailored pathways

We offer bespoke pathways in healthcare and childcare in Dewsbury, where interns can access placements in these sectors to help build a career in these industries.

Care Pathway

On this pathway, you will have opportunities to work in a care setting at Dewsbury and Pinderfields Hospitals, day care centres, SEND schools or care homes. During your placement, you will have the opportunity to join the NHS Health Care Academy to take part in training. You will also learn how to assist patients with food and drink and be trained in Makaton to communicate effectively with patients who have communication difficulties.

Childcare Pathway

Placements on this pathway could be in local schools, nurseries and community groups which will prepare you to work in childcare. You will receive bespoke training on working with children including phonics, key words, Numeracy, Literacy, British Values and safeguarding. You will also develop your knowledge of working with SEND children and receive Makaton training.

Case Studies

Meet our Project SEARCH Interns

Project SEARCH is a partnership between Kirklees College, Kirklees Council and REAL Employment and DFN Project Search. Meet the interns that have taken part in this Project and what they have to say about it!