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We are committed to providing the highest standard of support for our learners with Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND) ensuring you enjoy a fulfilling learning experience.
students writing at a desk

SEND Support Team

Our dedicated SEND team are here to help you achieve the best experience during your time at Kirklees College and will work with you to ensure your individual needs are supported.

For general queries, please contact the SEND admin team who can direct you to the SEND Lead and SENDCo for your course. Please contact your SEND Lead and SENDCo prior to escalating any queries to SEND managers.

3 key steps to supporting our SEND students

Additional support for SEND at Kirklees College is delivered in various forms according to an individuals assessed need or provisions within an EHCP. There are 3 key steps to supporting a student’s SEND needs at Kirklees College.

Visual Impairment

The Visual Impairment Support team can assist you if you are blind or visually impaired.

  • We can support you in your classes and outside of class
  • You may be able to have access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for your exams
  • We can offer you modified resources such as large print, braille, tactile diagrams and audio, as well as specialist equipment

Before you start your study programme at college, we will meet with you to assess your support needs and agree your individual support plan. We will review your support regularly to check that it is meeting your needs.

Phone us on 01484 437000 Ext: 7883 or email the SEND team

Deaf / Hard of Hearing

The Deaf Support team will meet you to discuss your needs and agree on an individual support plan that will be reviewed regularly during your time at Kirklees College.

We offer different types of support to suit your needs:

  • Communication Support Workers (CSWs) who can sign in BSL (British Sign Language) or SSE (Sign Supported English) and voiceover what you sign
  • Note-taking in class
  • One-to-one support with your assignments in English and maths, ensuring that you understand what you need to do and checking the English in your written work

There are radio aids to help you in classes and we can also set up Deaf Awareness training for your tutors and the other students in your class. You may be entitled to CSW support and extra time in your exams. Email the team.

We have a Curriculum Learning Mentor (CLM) assigned to each faculty area. They can provide maths and English support for students with specific learning difficulties, e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia etc.


Although they are unable to diagnose specific learning difficulties, they can offer support strategies and 1:1 support to students doing maths and/or English at Level 1 or above.


If you have not disclosed a learning difficulty at enrolment and are struggling to keep up with your work, please speak to your tutor(s), Learning Support Advisor (LSA) or Progress Coach who will refer you to the appropriate CLM.



We can introduce you to various technologies such as Read & Write Gold software or phone apps which can help you learn.



Your CLM can book appointments with Exams Access Arrangements Assessors if your needs are high. If you have already been assessed for Exam Access Arrangements (EAA) at school/college, please bring an original signed copy of your Form 8 to your CLM as soon as possible. We can give you a letter to take to school to request this.



Please note that CLMs are based at various centres at different times, so referral through a member of staff is advised.

Our team is on hand if you have disabilities, learning difficulties or health problems and can support you with your studies.


We provide support for additional learning needs including:

  • Moderate learning difficulties
  • Specific learning difficulties
  • Physical disabilities
  • ADHD
  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Autism
  • Social and Emotional Mental Health needs

We would look to support your additional learning needs as much as we can, and our support will include:

  • Recommendations for reasonable adjustments within teaching and learning
  • In class or out of class support where necessary
  • Access to assistive technology
  • Special arrangements to help with exams for EHCP learners
  • Assistance with personal care and medical administration
  • Accessibility and personal assistance

Our Student Services team offers information, advice and guidance on a wide range of issues to help students overcome barriers to learning.

ALPS (Access to Learning and Personal Support team) (ALPS) contacts:


Huddersfield Centre 01484 437000 Extension 7542 or email here


Dewsbury Centre 01924 465916 Extension 2300 or email here

If you have an EHCP in your current education provider for your SEND needs that is maintained by the Local Authority (applies to students aged 16-24).


Kirklees College is committed to delivering the provisions of the Children and Families Act 2014. We embrace our statutory duty to fulfil our obligations under the SEND Code of Practice for those aged up to 25 and are committed to making every effort to meet your support needs.


We support a wide range of learners who have an EHCP for SEND needs. The college has to go through a consultation process with the local authority to determine that we can meet the requirements within your plan. Please indicate on your application form that you have an EHCP. Should you have any queries, please initially contact either contact points below. ALPS (Access to Learning and Personal Support team) contacts:


Huddersfield Centre 01484 437000 Extension 7542 or email here

Dewsbury Centre 01924 465916 Extension 2300 or email here

How do we identify or assess your SEND needs?

  • Via self-declaration on application
  • Via EHCP consultation with the Local Authority if you have one
  • During course interview
  • Link experience days at the college in year 9, 10 and 11
  • At enrolment onto a course
  • During initial assessment and induction
  • During personal tutorials/ 1:1 meeting


Will I receive Additional SEND Support if I don’t have an EHCP?

Your needs will need to be assessed and recommendations made to support you through reasonable adjustments and Quality First Teaching through your course team, assistive technology, and or wider Additional Support teams for targeted support if required.


How will parents/carers know how well their son/daughter is doing?

  • Parent/carer evenings (with academic team)
  • Academic report to parents/carers (for learners in Foundation Studies)
  • Parents/carers can call their son/daughters’ personal tutor
  • Learning Support Advisor, Progress Coach or academic team at any time during the year


How do I apply for Local Authority Post-16 Assisted Transport to and from the college?

For information on eligibility and applying for transport assistance, including Post-16 students, if your child has special educational needs and/or a disability contact SENACT (SEN Assessment & Commissioning Team):  senact@kirklees.gov.uk,  Tel: 01484 456888

More Support

Financial Support

Kirklees College offers a range of support funds to help students overcome any financial problems that may prevent them from studying.
Costs such as travel or meals may stop some students from joining or continuing a course or programme. The Financial Support Team can offer advice on financial matters and help in applying for any available grants or funding.

Supporting You

Kirklees College is committed to providing the highest standards of support to learners who have a disability or learning difficulty. We have always taken proactive approach in developing programmes and provision for all learners and are keen to support the needs of our learners and their families find out more about how are team can help your learning.