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Students' Union & Student Voice

All students are automatically members of the KC Student Council. This council is run by our elected student executive team. Our Student Council represents the needs of the student body by engaging with college management, The Student Voice and Enrichment Officer, championing the academic needs and social interests of students and the challenges and issues that affect our student population.

We understand that many students struggle from time to time for lots of different reasons; course or exam pressures, money worries, wellbeing or sexual health.

Becoming an active member of the KC Student Council is a great way to enrich your college experience. You will meet new friends, try new things, have fun, have your say and expand your knowledge, confidence and skills that prepare you for life after college.

Here are four ways that you have your say and use your Voices 4 Action during your time at Kirklees College.

Want to be more involved in college life?

Kirklees College Student Union logo

Why join the Students Union

You’ll meet new friends, try new things, have fun, have your say and expand your knowledge, confidence and skills that prepare you for life after college.In addition to your usual student discounts, for just £12 you can buy a Totum Card expanding those discounts to include Amazon, McDonald’s and Odeon as well as 50% off a Spotify Premium account, plus loads more, visit  www.totum.com

We think there are loads of reasons to be a member, however, if it’s not for you, we understand. To opt-out, you need to inform the Learner Involvement Officer within four weeks of the start of your course.

What are the perks?

Join clubs or societies, or set up your own

Become a Class Rep, receive training and represent members of your course.

Run in elections to be an Officer within the Students Union executive.

Vote for the Officers you want to represent you.

Help raise money for charity.

Attend events and trips run by the Students Union.

Work to change things for the better for all the College community.