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Women in Engineering Day 2021


International Women in Engineering Day is celebrating its eighth year in 2021 and aims to raise the profile of women in engineering and showcases the amazing career opportunities available to women in the industry.

The theme for this year is Engineering Heroes, which will celebrate the fantastic work female engineers are doing in response to the pandemic and also supporting lives and livelihoods every day.

Kirklees College is leading excellence in the engineering industry through its apprenticeship and training programmes. Working with its employer partners, the college is aiming to provide female engineers with the knowledge and skills to make an impact in the industry.

We’re profiling some of our apprentices to show how Kirklees College supports its students in gaining valuable experience in the industry and how it continues to champion engineering careers for women.  

Courtney Livsey, Manufacturing Engineering apprentice said:

“I was inspired to get into engineering when a female engineer came to give a talk at my school to promote STEM learning which gave me a career direction. I have really enjoyed my learning so far and have achieved distinctions on my course. It hasn’t always been easy but I have managed to achieve with the help of my tutors.”

Nisa Javed, Engineering Operations apprentice said:

“I enjoy coming to Kirklees College as it is a diverse environment. Everyone is treated equally regardless of their gender and even though I am the only girl on my course, I am still treated with the same amount of respect.”

Jenny Shaw, Apprenticeship Programme Lead at Kirklees College said:

“The engineering industry has changed for the better, although there is still some work to be done as women are still in the minority. At Kirklees College, we promote the importance of everyone receiving the same workplace training to be able to succeed in the industry. We’re really proud of all of our female students and their achievements and look forward to seeing them progress to successful careers.”

For more information about Engineering courses at Kirklees College, visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/leading-excellence-in-engineering/.

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