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Counsellors play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of our society today. By encouraging people to talk about their feelings, behaviours and choices a counsellor can influence a positive change in a person’s life as they overcome daily challenges or periods of heightened anxieties and distress.

Are you a compassionate, empathetic person with a desire to help improve the wellbeing of others? A career in counselling may be perfect for you. We offer a range of counselling courses, at a range of levels to cater for everyone from complete beginners to those who have already completed counselling qualifications.

As your learning progresses, you will interact directly with industry professionals and learn from the experts.

Our Therapeutic Counselling at Level 4 qualification enables you to practice as a professional counsellor. If you’re new to this world and want to find out if counselling is for you, try one of our short courses which run throughout the year.

View Counselling Courses

College Higher Skills

HE & Higher Skills (1)

College Adult Education

Adult Learners 19+ (3)

View our latest course guides

Why work in the Health, Social & Child Care Industry?

Employment in Health, Social and Child Care Services roles are down NAN% since 2022

Wide range of jobs in the Health, Social & Child Care Industry

A wide range of employers in the Health, Social & Child Care Industry

Considering a career in Health, Social & Child Care?

If you’re not sure what to study, then why not take some time to find out more information about possible careers?

Or, if you already have a career in mind, but you’re not sure what you need to study to pursue that career, we can help you get one step closer to that dream job.

Qualifications & levels explained

There is a wide range of qualifications and levels available, but not all of them may be right for you. If you’re not sure what qualification type or level you should be searching for, take a look at our qualifications explained.

Find the perfect career

We can help you find that perfect career even if you’re not sure what it is yet! At Kirklees College, our mission is to make you as successful as you can be, from finding the right career to gaining the right skills.

Case Studies


Studied Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling

I found my time at Kirklees College enjoyable, supportive and life-changing. The college was easily accessible with good teaching facilities at the new Pioneer Higher Skills Centre. It gave me the opportunity to work with some great people, some of whom are now friends for life, whilst studying a fantastic course.


Studied Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling

When I first started I was nervous but your confidence soon grows. You are very much treated like an adult. I’d recommend this course as it’s exciting and rewarding. My end goal is to become a person-centred counsellor.