
Public Services students celebrate results success


Three Public and Uniformed Services students celebrated their success this summer after achieving D*D*D* overall course grades in their level 3 extended diploma in Uniformed Public Services.

The learners were invited into college and presented with a certificate and letter of outstanding achievement in recognition of their fantastic accomplishments.

Daniel Harrison has passed the first round of interviews to become an army officer. He will be attending medicals soon in which he is hopeful to meet requirements to be invited to the second phase of interviews.

Arron Hickling has applied for the police apprenticeship and got through to the interview stage. He has also applied and accepted a place studying Law at the University of Leeds whilst he awaits the outcome of his police application.  

Ronnie Stewart is taking a year out to work full-time to save money to be able to fund his driving lessons and car. He hopes to apply for the police in the near future. 

Mathew Gartland, Head of Faculty for Public and Uniformed Services at Kirklees College said:

“We are really proud of Daniel, Arron and Ronnie. Despite the challenges posed by the past year, their outstanding results are a testament to their hard work and dedication to their studies. We wish them every success as they embark on their future careers.”

For more information about Public and Uniformed Services courses at Kirklees College, visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/subjects/public-services/.

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