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Kirklees College opens Maths and English Success Centres


Kirklees College is proud to announce the launch of its Maths and English Success Centres at the Huddersfield Centre and Springfield Sixth Form Centre to support the development of maths and English skills for learners.

These new learning spaces will be operated by maths and English specialists with sessions available for learners who need or want additional support with their maths and English to support them to successfully progress and achieve the best results possible.

Learners can self-refer or be referred by their tutors to attend additional small group maths and English sessions or drop-in revision and support sessions which will be delivered from the success centres.

The Springfield Sixth Form Success Centre is S02.001.

The Huddersfield Success Centre is HB04.008.

Helen Watts, Head of Faculty for English, maths and Alternative Provision at Kirklees College said:

“English and maths skills are essential for work and everyday life and play a key role in study programmes at Kirklees College. We hope that the opening of our new success centres will help our students to reach their potential and achieve a maths and English qualification to enable them to progress in their chosen career.”

Learners who have not achieved a grade 4/C in GCSE maths and English will have these built into their study programme and will have the opportunity to re-sit. For more information about courses available at Kirklees College, visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/subjects/.

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