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Kirklees College Employers’ T Levels Breakfast Event


Last week, Thursday 3 March, the Kirklees College Employer Engagement Team hosted their first T Levels Breakfast Event at Landings 72 in the Huddersfield Centre.

The event was arranged to provide local employers with a wider insight into the benefits of T Levels, allowing them to ask any questions, speak with our key delivery staff and network over breakfast in a relaxed environment.

Staff at the college spoke to employers and delivered a detailed presentation on T Levels to the guests from areas such as Business, Engineering, Digital, Education and Childcare, Health and Science.

Guests attended the event from across Kirklees, including Huddersfield Giants, Accu, NHS, UK Greetings and many more fantastic employers to understand more about how T Levels can support them to level up their workforce in the runup to the T Level launch at Kirklees College.

Jonathan Price, Business Development Manager at Kirklees College said:

“Our first T Levels Breakfast Event was a success and it was fantastic to welcome so many innovative companies to the college. Everyone was really engaged and keen to look at T Levels to find future talent.

As T Levels are a new qualification for Kirklees College this year, our employers enjoyed the opportunity to learn more and network with other employers.”

To find out more about T Levels, click here.

To contact the Employer Engagement Team, click here.

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