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Enrolment at Kirklees College now open


Virtual Open Day at Kirklees College

Kirklees College is now enrolling 16-18 students, Higher Education students and Adult Learners starting a full-time course this September.

The Enrolment Hotline is open from today (Monday 9 August) to start booking enrolment appointments. To book an appointment, students can call 01484 437100 from 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4.30pm on Friday.

Applicants can contact the call centre if they have not met their grades or want to change their course. The Call Centre team and curriculum staff will be available to speak to students about their next steps and answer any course related queries.

Applicants who have already applied for a full-time course at the college will be contacted by the Applications team with an appointment to enrol online from Thursday 20 August. Students will be provided with instructions on how to complete their enrolment and what to do if they want to change course or their grades are different to what they were expecting. 

Face to face open enrolment appointments will also be available across college campuses. At our enrolment sessions, tutors will look at a student’s current qualifications to work out what level course is the most suitable. Students must provide their personal details, including full name, date of birth, address and nationality. If their chosen course has specified entry criteria, students will need to provide their results slip or any other relevant certificates.

Whether students enrol online or in person, both processes will take applicants through all the necessary steps to enrol as a student at Kirklees College. We look forward to welcoming our new students in September.

For further information on how to enrol at Kirklees College, please visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/enrolment/.

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