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Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship Level 2 (In-Year Start)
Apprenticeship Standard
This apprenticeship develops your skills to ensure you deliver high levels of customer service in any business setting.

Level 2
Attendance - Full-time
Duration - 14 months
Start date - Multiple start dates
Where - Huddersfield Centre
Course Overview
As a Customer Service apprentice, you need to be employed for at least 30 hours a week and will attend college for one day a week. Good customer service is key to the successful of any business or organisation. As a customer service apprentice, you will probably work front of house in an employer’s business activities and regularly assist customers.
Your apprenticeship comprises of numerous units, including employee rights and responsibilities. Within the Customer Service Practitioner qualification, you will cover business areas such as meeting regulations and legislation systems and resources. You will be expected to demonstrate your organisational skills and how you would deal with customers’ conflict and challenge.
Duties will vary between sectors but your main role will be making sure that customers are dealt with in a positive, reliable and pleasant way whether that is by offering advice, answering questions or handling complaints. To properly assist customers, you will need clear and up-to-date knowledge of your organisation’s products and services. You will also need to communicate with a variety of people.
You will be expected to provide evidence of how you have developed and completed a portfolio of work. You will be expected to show how you work as part of a team and how you receive feedback. As part of your apprenticeship, you will also study English and maths at level 1 (if not achieved already.)
As a Customer Service apprentice, you need to be employed for at least 30 hours a week and will attend college for one day a week. Good customer service is key to the successful of any business or organisation. As a customer service apprentice, you will probably work front of house in an employer’s business activities and regularly assist customers.
Duties will vary between sectors but your main role will be making sure that customers are dealt with in a positive, reliable and pleasant way whether that is by offering advice, answering questions or handling complaints. To properly assist customers, you will need clear and up-to-date knowledge of your organisation’s products and services. You will also need to communicate with a variety of people.
Your apprenticeship comprises of numerous units, including employee rights and responsibilities. Within the Customer Service Practitioner qualification, you will cover business areas such as meeting regulations and legislation systems and resources. You will be expected to demonstrate your organisational skills and how you would deal with customers’ conflict and challenge.
You will be expected to provide evidence of how you have developed and completed a portfolio of work. You will be expected to show how you work as part of a team and how you receive feedback. As part of your apprenticeship, you will also study English and maths at level 1 (if not achieved already.)
Core Skills Gained:
GCSE English and maths grade 3 or above.
To start your apprenticeship you must have secured employment that the college has agreed is suitable.
To start your apprenticeship you must have secured employment that the college has agreed is suitable.
Level 3 Customer Service apprenticeship or another business administration area
Customer Service Specialist Apprenticeship Level 3
You will need to complete a portfolio of work, take part in a workplace observation and a professional discussion. You will also be required to complete a synoptic test. You must pass English and maths at GCSE as part of this course.
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Course title / level
eeeDonec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.