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Welcome back to Kirklees College – keeping students safe


Woman sat with coffee cup on a bench with a mask on

Kirklees College is preparing to welcome back its students for the new 2020-21 academic year.

With students returning to the college sites from 7 September, Kirklees College has been working hard to ensure the safety of all its students and support them in adjusting to the new college environment as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

In order to keep the Kirklees College community safe, the government guidelines have been implemented and students are being asked to maintain a 2-metre distance, follow the new signposted routes, sanitise regularly, attend college for timetabled classes only and wear face coverings in communal areas and public transport.

The college has also completed COVID-Secure risk assessments for all sites, increased cleaning and made adaptions where necessary, including reduced classroom sizes, new access gates, screens and signage. Staggered breaks and lunchtimes will also help to avoid congestion and amended opening times and reduced food and drinks offer will also ensure a fast, efficient service in the refectories. The new Cycle/Walk to College initiative also encourages students who live two miles away or less to cycle or walk to college, where possible.

During Induction Week, students will have an appointment with their tutor to ease any concerns and ask questions. Following this, students will be asked to complete the rest of their programme online and will receive their timetable for lessons commencing 14 September.

Similar to the induction programme, the courses will be a combination of online and on-site teaching, with practical sessions still scheduled to be completed. Students will continue to receive extensive support in their studies from their Tutors and Progress Coaches on-site, online and on the phone.

Although this academic year has to be different, Kirklees College’s commitment to helping its students succeed on their course remains the same, with the college community working together to keep everyone safe when teaching resumes.

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