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Staff and students demonstrate innovative ways of remote learning

Kirklees College has been demonstrating innovative ways of working remotely and ensuring learning continues to be engaging.


As everyone continues to adjust to the ‘new normal’, teachers and students at Kirklees College have been demonstrating innovative ways of working remotely and making sure that learning continues to be engaging and fun.

Students are enjoying this new way of studying and staff have taken the opportunity to embrace the technology available to them to keep in contact.

The Business HE team are using online virtual sessions that are recorded using Quicktime so students can revisit their classes, as well as Microsoft forms and quizzes.

The Construction team has swapped workshops for videoconferencing to deliver practical demonstrations and are running virtual lessons for apprentices. Online learning for Maths and English is also being taught using interactive quizzes completed on mobiles.

Health and Social Care staff are keeping students’ spirits up by starting lessons with an uplifting song and sharing song recommendations to keep learners motivated.

Students who usually receive 1-1 support from their curriculum learning mentors are continuing to be supported with work and resources being uploaded for them. They are using live chat to communicate and annotate work to explain concepts, mark work and give feedback to learners.

As a Microsoft showcase college, all students and staff can access and use a wide variety of Microsoft software packages and also access learning material, help and support from the college Learning Resource Centre. Keep up the good work everyone!

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