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Remote learning in place at Kirklees College


The Huddersfield centre campus for Kirklees College

Following latest Government instruction in response to the Coronavirus outbreak, Kirklees College sites will be closed until at least Monday 15 February 2021. We will continue to work hard to ensure that all our students are supported in their remote learning at this very difficult and challenging time.

The following sites will be closed until further notice.

  • Brunel Construction Centre
  • Engineering Centre
  • Process Manufacturing Centre
  • Pioneer Higher Skills Centre
  • Taylor Hill Animal Care Centre
  • Hargate Hill Equestrian Centre

The Huddersfield Centre and Springfield Sixth Form Centre will remain open to vulnerable learners and those who have circumstances which mean they cannot work remotely. All other students should stay at home. Timetables can be accessed via ProPortal.

Staff will also be working remotely and only those supporting vulnerable learners and maintaining essential services should attend college.

The college is developing an on-site Covid-19 testing facility and aim to have this available to everyone attending college as soon as possible. In the meantime, anyone who is coming into college should have a test at one of the Kirklees testing centres.

Additional information and updates will be shared by college email, VLE, social media channels and the COVID-19 Updates website page.

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