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Mylo and Rosie access all areas at Kirklees College


With Enrolment now open, Kirklees College has teamed up with Mylo and Rosie from Pulse 1 Breakfast to showcase some of the courses available to enrol on from September and what new students can expect when they join college.

As some students may not have been able to visit the college in person, the breakfast show duo toured the Huddersfield Centre to learn more about the fantastic facilities and speak to students about their experience at Kirklees College.

In the Travel and Tourism department, Mylo and Rosie boarded the on-site air cabin and were taught how to perform an in-flight safety demonstration by students and staff. In the Hair and Beauty salon, the hosts learnt how to cut hair and trim beards before moving on to Forensic Science where they worked with students to examine a crime scene and crack the case.

To celebrate the start of Enrolment at Kirklees College, students have the opportunity to win instant prizes thanks to Pulse 1, including an Amazon Echo Dot, Nando’s and Starbucks vouchers, cinema tickets and more up for grabs.

Students can enrol now to secure their place for September 2021. With over 300 full-time courses and apprenticeships available, as well as adult and higher education options, Kirklees College are available to support students make the right choice for them.

To watch the full Mylo and Rosie Access All Areas video, visit the Kirklees College YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/kirkleescollege.

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