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Learn new skills for the new year


The new year presents an opportunity for people to reflect and make resolutions. Whilst the current national lockdown means that a significant amount of the population has been furloughed or made redundant, research has shown a strong correlation between adults undertaking education and training courses and successfully re-entering work.

According to the Office of National Statistics, around 3.7 million people in October 2020 were temporarily away from work compared to an average of 2 – 2.5 million prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Redundancies also hit a record 370,000 in the three months to October 2020.

In response to the pandemic, the education sector has adapted to the ever-changing climate by introducing remote learning methods. A shift to online learning has meant that workers can still access professional development opportunities whilst adhering to the strict stay at home guidance.

With employers assessing their businesses’ current needs, the beginning of the year provides the ideal opportunity for people to improve their skillset and enhance their work prospects, whether that is upskilling in a current job or retraining in a new career.

The Adult courses at Kirklees College aim to support jobseekers or those looking for a new challenge with flexible study options to accommodate their needs. The specialist courses in a range of curriculum areas aim to support adults in learning the knowledge and skills needed to pursue their goals.

For more information, download the new 2021 Adult guide here.

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