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Kirklees College Supports The Kirklees Climate Commission


The Kirklees Climate Commission was founded as an independent advisory body to bring people together from the public, private and third sectors to support and oversee ambitious climate actions across all parts of Kirklees. 

The Commission will support Kirklees as it works towards net-zero carbon emissions and greater climate resilience so that it can be a happier, healthier, more prosperous and more inclusive place.

The Commission is working towards its goals by enabling engagement, encouraging constructive debate, expanding the evidence base, promoting best practice, helping to build capacities for delivery and reviewing progress across the district.

The Kirklees Climate Commission is part of the ESRC-funded Place-Based Climate Action Network (PCAN).

Daniel Bedford, Head of Estates, Security and Facilities, has been appointed as one of the Climate Commissioners. Two key focuses of The Climate Commission are to engage with young people across Kirklees to raise awareness of sustainable and environmental activities and initiatives. As a member of the sub-group Young People, Daniel has held two events so far with schools, colleges and University of Huddersfield students to discuss what sustainable initiatives students can implement with the support of staff. The Climate Commission are keen to involve young people across Kirklees to promote sustainability within schools, colleges and universities as well as within their home environment. 

Daniel is also a member of the Buildings and Homes sub-group which works to promote sustainable building methods and systems for domestic and commercial buildings throughout Kirklees. The Climate Commission works with a wide range of stakeholders including Kirklees Council to promote sustainable methods. 

Within Kirklees College, Daniel has set up The Green Team and has attended several events to discuss work that has been undertaken within the Estates and Facilities team to reduce the energy usage and environmental impact of the college. The next event is planned to take place at the Huddersfield Centre Atrium on 2 February between 11.00am – 1.00pm to celebrate the launch of The Green Team. All staff and students are invited to attend.

Another one of Daniel’s focuses is to work with curriculum departments to promote courses and learning opportunities in sustainability and limiting environmental impact. There are many training needs linked to the environment that Kirklees College will play a key role in developing in the coming years such as electrical vehicle maintenance or improving biodiversity through sustainable landscaping.

Daniel Bedford commented:

“The global climate emergency impacts on everyone throughout Kirklees and beyond including the Kirklees College community as well as our families and friends.  When The Kirklees Climate Commission requested applications to become a Climate Commissioner I felt driven to join The Commission to promote sustainability and limit environmental impact. 

A key aim for me joining The Commission was to engage with young people across Kirklees and encourage a debate and sharing of good practice.  Within the college we have created The Green Team to work with students and staff to share sustainable practices and listen to the views and key priorities within the college that I can then feed into The Commission.”

For more information on the Kirklees Climate Commission, visit: Kirklees Climate Commission |

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