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Kirklees College powers up the next generation of workforce


As part of its commitment to helping people secure an apprenticeship or employment, Kirklees College has announced the start of its new Power Up Traineeships Programme.

The new initiative is designed to give young people (aged 16-24) the confidence to take the first steps in their career and gain key employability skills to prepare them for work.

There is high demand for apprenticeships from school and college leavers with many narrowly missing out on being offered a place. This government-funded programme encourages companies to offer traineeships to those actively seeking an apprenticeship or employment. It also offers employers considering hiring an apprentice the opportunity to gain an insight into the process by supporting a trainee.

The 12-week Power Up Programme is a course with a pre-arranged work placement with a local employer. Trainees attend college for up to 15 hours a week and complete two weeks of work experience. It includes flexible work preparation training, focusing on employability needs and skills such as CV writing, interview development, job search and personal skills.

Employers can also benefit by supporting young people as it positively promotes their organisation’s values and their commitment to developing their local community. As well as upskilling their current workforce through mentoring and coaching, it also provides an opportunity to gain new ideas from the next generation of employees, customers, and consumers.

Traineeships are available from April this year in the business, motor vehicle, hair and beauty and hospitality and catering sectors.

For more information about the Power Up Traineeships Scheme, please visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/employers/power-up-traineeships/.

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