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Kirklees College partners with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to support community during coronavirus pandemic


Group of students on residential trip

Kirklees College has partnered with the Prince’s Trust Team at West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to deliver a 12-week programme at Dewsbury Fire Station designed to help young people develop their social responsibility and transferable skills for their future.

Although students were able to enjoy a multitude of positive experiences at the beginning of the course, including charity fundraising, volunteering, work experience and residential trip, the coronavirus pandemic halted the delivery of the rest of the programme.

The Youth Interventions Trainers at West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service have demonstrated the resilience they aim to instil in young people who access the provision by creating a virtual course to allow students to successfully complete their final weeks of the programme. They were also able to adapt their approach to meet the needs of the most vulnerable students on the course.

As part of the ‘helping others in the community’ section of the programme, the students adapted to the change in circumstances by designing their own coronavirus care packs. The packs showed both the creativity and compassion of the students and were well received by the local communities who needed them most.

The Youth Interventions Trainers also carried our mock interviews and mentored individuals in the group to create CV’s, complete applications and make videos where they spoke about their time on the programme.

To keep up to date with the Prince’s Trust activities, please visit https://www.wyfs.co.uk/your-safety/community/youth-interventions.

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