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Kirklees College launches new online Enrolment Portal


Balloons in reception area

Kirklees College is now a few days into Enrolment – one of the busiest periods in the academic calendar.

The Enrolment process has had to be adapted this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, with new procedures in place to keep staff and students safe.

Students can now enrol online through the college’s new online enrolment system, or over the telephone via the dedicated Enrolment Hotline, where staff have been busy supporting students in their next steps in the call centre based at the Huddersfield centre. Where potential students do require an appointment, the team will be able to book people into allocated time slots for a face to face meeting.

The college’s new online Enrolment portal enables 16-18 and Higher Education learners to enrol quickly and easily online, with hundreds of students already signed up to their chosen programme of study.

The online enrolment will be sent to students via email and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Students need to have a suitable photo for their ID card, their National Insurance Number and full addresses of home and emergency contacts available. The new system will take applicants through all the necessary steps to enrol as a student at Kirklees College, including personal details, qualifications and additional support required.

For further information on how to enrol at Kirklees College, please call the Enrolment Hotline on 01484 437 100 or email info@kirkleescollege.ac.uk.

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