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Kirklees College Higher Education and Higher Skills Graduates celebrated in ceremony at historic Dewsbury Town Hall


Students and staff in graduation robes sit outside Dewsbury Town Hall doors in two lines

On Tuesday 10 October, we hosted our annual Higher Education and Higher Skills graduation at Dewsbury Town Hall. Graduates from Animal Care, Business, Computing, Counselling, Engineering and Teacher Education were all honoured for their achievements in the ceremony, being congratulated on stage by Principal and CEO of Kirklees College, Palvinder Singh.

Karin Sykes, Head of Higher Education at Kirklees College, compered the ceremony, which also included an inspiring speech from Matthew Burton, a local headteacher best known for being part of Channel 4’s ‘Educating Yorkshire’ series. Matthew also joined Palvinder on stage to congratulate the graduates. The ceremony also included a wonderful performance by the children from Eastborough Junior, Infant & Nursery school in Dewsbury.

The graduates brought along their friends and families to the event and were also joined by their tutors on the day.

Speaking about the day, Higher Education and Higher Skills Manager Karin Sykes commented:

‘It was fabulous to see so many of our graduates commended for their hard work, determination and commitment to their learning at our graduation ceremony. A higher qualification is a sign of great aptitude, courage and discipline and we are delighted to have played a small part in these students’ learning journeys.’

If you see yourself as a future Kirklees College graduate, you can find out more about Higher Skills and Higher Education provision at Kirklees College.

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