
Kirklees College celebrates Black History Month


Kirklees College is proud to be joining the celebrations for Black History Month.

Black History Month was first launched in the UK in the 1980s in London and was largely the result of local community activism challenging racism within society. In October, the UK celebrates Black History Month and there are a wide range of events held across the country celebrating black history and culture, from food festival and music workshops to educational seminars and lectures.

As part of the college’s activity around raising awareness, it is educating people on some of the key figures in Britain’s history and how they have influenced today’s society in areas such as the arts, education and politics. Some of these notable influences include: Ignatius Sancho, Phillis Wheatley, Learie Constantine, Fanny Eaton, Stuart Hall and Diane Abbott.

The college has also created the KC Stand Together Pledge to uphold its values of diversity and inclusivity. As part of this collaborative initiative, the Students’ Union has created the KC Wall of Unity, where staff and students can contribute their pledge against racism and show their support for their fellow black colleagues. The college community has shared posters, song lyrics, quotes and videos to show their solidarity.

Staff and students can make their own contribution to the KC Wall of Unity by sharing their pledge with the Students’ Union using #KCWallOfUnity #KCStandTogether and #BlackLivesMatter.

Follow our social media channels @kirkleescollege to view the pledges that have already been made.

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