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Kirklees College ask students to ‘Show Us Your Tech’

Students show us how they've been creative with their tech while learning from home.


Amy Morris, winner of the Show Us Your Tech Competition

Kirklees College launched their ‘Show Us Your Tech’ competition to encourage its students to be creative in demonstrating how they are using the technology available to them at home as they continue to work remotely.

As part of the initiative devised by the Learning Resource Centre, students showcased how they have turned their dining rooms, dressing tables and gardens into their own unique working spaces.

The competition received a fantastic response, with students showing how they are using their mobile phones, laptops and even other family members to complete their assigned tasks.

The winner of the competition was awarded an iPad and the two runner ups won £50 Amazon vouchers.

Amy Morris, the overall winner of the competition who impressed the judges with her inventiveness, said:

“Remote learning is new to us all, but help from my teachers, I’ve learnt how to adapt and now enjoy being able to sit in my garden whilst doing my work.

I am learning how to train animals as part of my course, so I have had to improvise by creating an agility course with hurdles made from broomsticks and tunnels from blankets and chairs. I had to borrow a dog whilst complying with social distancing rules to put my course to the test, but I managed to make it work!”

Corrine Scandling, Curriculum Area Manager for Teacher Education, Development and Learning Centres at Kirklees College, added:

“The college is really impressed with how our students have engaged with online learning with their peers and tutors. It was great to see how they were using technology for this and how it has ensured that they have been able to continue with their studies in preparing them for the next stage of their learning.”

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