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Induction Week at Kirklees College



Kirklees College opened its doors to students for Induction Week ahead of returning to learning.

Students attended appointments with their tutors throughout the week to support them in their return to college. The college has worked hard to alleviate the pressures that the coronavirus pandemic has had on student wellbeing by offering positive first impressions of the college and promoting student safety with the new measures that have been enforced, including social distancing, signposted routes, face coverings in communal areas and regular sanitising.

The college has welcomed hundreds of students to the KC Community and introduced them to their new surroundings, tutors and classmates. Students have been able to benefit from the additional support services available and have responded well to being able to voice and address concerns as they arise.

The transition to college can often be a challenging time for both students and parents, especially in the current climate. The college values reflect the supportive and inclusive environment at the college and the learner focused ethos of the staff has made the process of returning to education a positive experience for students.

Carmen Gonzalez-Eslava, Vice Principal for Curriculum, Performance and Innovation, said:

“We are delighted to be welcoming back students to Kirklees College. I am proud of how our staff have prioritised the safety and wellbeing of students and we are united in our efforts to provide them with an enjoyable and rewarding college experience. We have enjoyed meeting the students this week and look forward to another successful year.”

Whilst this academic year will be different, Kirklees College remains committed to supporting its students in their studies and providing them with a safe and positive college experience. 

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