
HTAFC Official Education Partner for the 11th year


Kirklees College and Huddersfield Town are celebrating 11 years in partnership this year.

As the number one education provider to Huddersfield Town, Kirklees College has been working in partnership with the club as their apprenticeship and skills training partner since 2010 to provide young people with new skills and opportunities. The college has also been helping to upskill the club’s current staff through delivering a range of Microsoft training courses and apprenticeships in customer service.

The partnership also aims to benefit the wider community by raising the profile of the town. This has been done through the Huddersfield Town Enterprise Academy (HTEA), which is sponsored by Kirklees College. Throughout the year, key speakers, guests and influencers come together to share their wealth of knowledge to business people in the community.

The annual Town Takeover also provides students with a unique work experience opportunity by offering an insight into a professional match day and showcasing their excellent work.

New for this season, Kirklees College has shown support for the club’s video platform being proud sponsors of #HTTV’s Inside Training video, which gives supporters a unique view on training and pre-match preparations.

Helen Rose, Director of External Relations, said:

“We are proud of our working partnership with Huddersfield Town which has flourished over the past 11 years. We look forward to continuing the work we do in the local community to raise the profile of the town and provide fantastic opportunities for our students.”

Tracy Nelson, Huddersfield Town’s Senior Commercial Manager for Hospitality, said:

“The college and Huddersfield Town are two of Huddersfield’s most iconic institutions in terms of the work they carry out to the benefit of the community. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our working relationship with the college and its staff for over 11 years and look forward to that furthering over the years to come.”

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