Animal Management HND Level 5


This specialist programme of study will provide students with the key knowledge and practical opportunities to work within the animal management sector.


Level 5

Attendance - Full-time
Duration - 1 year
Start Date - September-June
Where - Taylor Hill Centre

Course Overview

The Higher National Diploma (HND) in Animal Management provides a specialist programme of study which covers the key knowledge, understanding and practical skills required in the animal management sector and also offers specialist emphasis through the choice of specialist units.
Core units:
Sustainable practices
Evolution and adaptations
Biological principles
Work experience
Wildlife conservation
Research project
This course offers excellent practical opportunities with a variety of species in our eco-friendly centre and at other sites. You will learn the skills you need to enter competitive areas such as zoo keeping or specialise further on a related top up degree. When studying the HND students have the opportunity of attending various field trips. These are run alongside the curriculum to offer a more ‘hands on’ or ‘real life’ experience.
The Higher National Diploma (HND) in Animal Management provides a specialist programme of study which covers the key knowledge, understanding and practical skills required in the animal management sector and also offers specialist emphasis through the choice of specialist units.
This course offers excellent practical opportunities with a variety of species in our eco-friendly centre and at other sites. You will learn the skills you need to enter competitive areas such as zoo keeping or specialise further on a related top up degree. When studying the HND students have the opportunity of attending various field trips. These are run alongside the curriculum to offer a more ‘hands on’ or ‘real life’ experience.
Core units:
Sustainable practices
Evolution and adaptations
Biological principles
Work experience
Wildlife conservation
Research project

This is for you if you are:

Flexible and adaptable

Able to work independently

A keen collaborator

Interested in a specturm of art disciplines

Interested in art as a business

If this is the course you are looking for you can apply directly. Need help with the apply process? Click here

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Taylor Hill Centre

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Progression from the Level 4 HNC or an alternative HNC from another college, on approval of unit choice.

After your HND you can progress into Higher Education to top up your qualification to a full honours degree or seek employment within the animal sector.


The following course-related costs are not included in the fees:
The cost of books that you might wish to purchase
Additional printing over the termly print allowance
Any optional trips that may be offered as part of the course

Please see our finance and funding pages for information regarding burseries and paying for your course

Careers include working within the animal sector, such as a Veterinary Nurse, Conversation Officer, Animal Behaviour Adviser, Zoo Keeper and RSPCA Inspector

This course is assessed by a mixture of assignments, practical tests and projects. You may be required to complete on-line assessments or exams.

Why work in the Animal Care Industry?

Employment in Agriculture and Animal Care roles are down NAN% since 2021

Wide range of jobs in the Animal Care Industry​

Excellent choice of employers in the Animal Care Industry

Considered a career in the Animal Care industry?

If you’re not sure what to study, why not find out more information about different types of possible careers? Or if you know what you career you want to do but not sure what you need to study, we can help you get one step closer to that dream job.

Qualifications & levels explained

There is a wide range of qualifications and levels available, but not all of them may be right for you. If you’re not sure what qualification type or level you should be searching for, take a look at our qualifications explained.

Find the perfect career

We can help you find that perfect career even if you’re not sure what it is yet! At Kirklees College, our mission is to make you as successful as you can be, from finding the right career to gaining the right skills.

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From support with your learning, exams and finance right through to advice on future employment and careers. We support all our students through their educational journey.

Case Studies


Course title / level

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Course title / level

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

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Crass mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.