Project SEARCH Supported Internship

College Certificate

Project SEARCH is a transition to work programme for young adults aged 18-24 with a learning disability and/or autism.


No Level

Attendance - Full-time
Duration - 1 year
Start date - September-June
Where -
2 Locations
Springfield Sixth Form Centre
Huddersfield Centre

Course Overview

Project SEARCH is a full-time one-year supported internship programme. It is a highly successful transition to work initiative for students aged 18-24 with a learning disablity and/or autism. It is targeted at students whose goal is competitive employment within the local community. Kirklees College has partnered with Kirklees Council, Dewsbury District Hospital, REAL Employment and C&K Careers to facilitate the licensed DFN Project SEARCH course.
Throughout the year, you will have three work site rotations to help you build the skills required gain and maintain employment in your chosen sector. Rotations are matched to the your career aspirations, existing skills and focus on developing and personal development goals. Your tutor and Job Coach will work alongside you every day to support you in your development towards meaningful employment.
The aim of Project SEARCH is to support you in your first steps towards gaining meaningful employment of 16 hours or more. Project SEARCH is five days a week, Monday – Friday. Each day you will spend time learning an employability curriculum, developing vital employability skills, such as communication, team work, self-advocacy and technology skills, as well as CV writing and interview preparation.
Upon successful completion of Project SEARCH, you will then continue to receive support through REAL Employment. Over 80% of students graduate with employment of 16 hours or more. Past students have gone on to work in Business Support roles within Kirklees College and Kirklees Council. As well as other students gaining employment as Care Assistants, Activities Co-ordinator, Bus Driver and much more!
Project SEARCH is a full-time one-year supported internship programme. It is a highly successful transition to work initiative for students aged 18-24 with a learning disablity and/or autism. It is targeted at students whose goal is competitive employment within the local community. Kirklees College has partnered with Kirklees Council, Dewsbury District Hospital, REAL Employment and C&K Careers to facilitate the licensed DFN Project SEARCH course.
The aim of Project SEARCH is to support you in your first steps towards gaining meaningful employment of 16 hours or more. Project SEARCH is five days a week, Monday – Friday. Each day you will spend time learning an employability curriculum, developing vital employability skills, such as communication, team work, self-advocacy and technology skills, as well as CV writing and interview preparation.
Throughout the year, you will have three work site rotations to help you build the skills required gain and maintain employment in your chosen sector. Rotations are matched to the your career aspirations, existing skills and focus on developing and personal development goals. Your tutor and Job Coach will work alongside you every day to support you in your development towards meaningful employment.
Upon successful completion of Project SEARCH, you will then continue to receive support through REAL Employment. Over 80% of students graduate with employment of 16 hours or more. Past students have gone on to work in Business Support roles within Kirklees College and Kirklees Council. As well as other students gaining employment as Care Assistants, Activities Co-ordinator, Bus Driver and much more!

Core Skills Gained:

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Dewsbury Hospital

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Kirklees Metropolitan Council

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There are no formal entry requirements. You will take part in an interview to see if the course is right for you and to see if you have any additional support needs.

Students will need to have an EHCP, please be aware that the college needs to have agreed, via the consultation period with your local authority, that we can meet the needs outlined in your EHCP before you can start on a course with us.
Employment of 16 hours or more.
This course is designed for students on an employability pathway. Students will be supported to apply for employment during the course of their studies and receive ongoing support from REAL Employment.

You will attend regular progress and development reviews with your tutor, family, job coach, rotation manager and mentor.

Why work in the Foundation Learning Industry?

Employment in Service Enterprises roles are down NAN% since 2021

Wide range of jobs in the Foundation Learning Industry

Excellent choice of employers in the Foundation Learning Industry

Considered a career in the Foundation Learning?

If you’re not sure what to study, why not find out more information about different types of possible careers? Or if you know what you career you want to do but not sure what you need to study, we can help you get one step closer to that dream job.

Qualifications & levels explained

There is a wide range of qualifications and levels available, but not all of them may be right for you. If you’re not sure what qualification type or level you should be searching for, take a look at our qualifications explained.

Find the perfect career

We can help you find that perfect career even if you’re not sure what it is yet! At Kirklees College, our mission is to make you as successful as you can be, from finding the right career to gaining the right skills.

We support all our Students

From support with your learning, exams and finance right through to advice on future employment and careers. We support all our students through their educational journey.

Case Studies


Course title / level

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.


Course title / level

eeeDonec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

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Crass mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.