Mobile Air Conditioning Unit - Handling Refrigerants

No qualification

This course is for technicians working on mobile air conditioning systems containing F gas refrigerants who want to gain a licence to handle refrigerants in compliance with the minimum requirements of regulation.


Level 3

Attendance - Part-time
Duration - 1 day
Start date - 1 Day
Where - Engineering Centre

Course Overview

THIS COURSE MAY BE OFFERED TO RUN AGAIN AFTER EASTER 2024. The new adult part-time prospectus for courses offered to run from April-June will be published in mid-March. If you wish to be added to the mailing list to be informed of publication, please e-mail

Our comprehensive course is designed to provide technicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of mobile air conditioning systems and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Whether you’re new to the field or seeking to upgrade your existing skills, this course will equip you with the expertise needed to excel in your profession.
You will be able to confidently explain and use the tools, equipment and materials needed for system recovery, vacuum, recharging, flushing (if applicable), and leak detection for mobile air conditioning systems and know the procedures for handling refrigerant and minimising refrigerant losses.
You will learn to interpret legislative and organisational requirements and procedures relevant to your workplace practices whilst handling refrigerants. You will understand the operating principles and functional requirements of mobile air conditioning systems and components and be able to compare the different types of refrigerants.
You will learn how to work safely and act in accordance with legislation and operating procedures. You will gain the ability to carry out at least two methods of leak detection, be able to correctly store and transfer waste material and complete records accurately.
THIS COURSE MAY BE OFFERED TO RUN AGAIN AFTER EASTER 2024. The new adult part-time prospectus for courses offered to run from April-June will be published in mid-March. If you wish to be added to the mailing list to be informed of publication, please e-mail

Our comprehensive course is designed to provide technicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of mobile air conditioning systems and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Whether you’re new to the field or seeking to upgrade your existing skills, this course will equip you with the expertise needed to excel in your profession.
You will learn to interpret legislative and organisational requirements and procedures relevant to your workplace practices whilst handling refrigerants. You will understand the operating principles and functional requirements of mobile air conditioning systems and components and be able to compare the different types of refrigerants.
You will be able to confidently explain and use the tools, equipment and materials needed for system recovery, vacuum, recharging, flushing (if applicable), and leak detection for mobile air conditioning systems and know the procedures for handling refrigerant and minimising refrigerant losses.
You will learn how to work safely and act in accordance with legislation and operating procedures. You will gain the ability to carry out at least two methods of leak detection, be able to correctly store and transfer waste material and complete records accurately.

If this is the course you are looking for you can apply directly. Need help with the apply process? Click here

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