HND in Engineering (General Engineering) (Full Time)


This HND course is ideal for anybody looking to study Engineering at a higher level.


Level 5

Attendance - Full-time
Duration - One year
Start date - September
Where - Engineering Centre

Course Overview

The HND covers collecting and analysing data from sensors and plant equipment and also modelling systems in a virtual environment. Traditionally, engineers worked in an office driving 3D analysis software and other engineers out in the field collecting data. To support you in accurate assessment of Plant operational viability, our HND encompasses using simulation and analysis software alongside live data collection.
You will also conduct your own research project and study professional engineering management, advanced mechanical principles, virtual engineering, further maths, industrial power, electronics and storage, industrial systems and further electronics and electrical systems.
It develops a skill set in both test and analysis. The course covers industrial sensors, processing
data and linking it to simulation of how systems and components operate. This knowledge and abilities will then enable effective predictive maintenance, condition monitoring and therefore less plant downtime.
As well as excellent pastoral and study support from a dedicated delivery team, the course also focuses much of its delivery on sustainable and renewable engineering.
The HND covers collecting and analysing data from sensors and plant equipment and also modelling systems in a virtual environment. Traditionally, engineers worked in an office driving 3D analysis software and other engineers out in the field collecting data. To support you in accurate assessment of Plant operational viability, our HND encompasses using simulation and analysis software alongside live data collection.
It develops a skill set in both test and analysis. The course covers industrial sensors, processing
data and linking it to simulation of how systems and components operate. This knowledge and abilities will then enable effective predictive maintenance, condition monitoring and therefore less plant downtime.
You will also conduct your own research project and study professional engineering management, advanced mechanical principles, virtual engineering, further maths, industrial power, electronics and storage, industrial systems and further electronics and electrical systems.
As well as excellent pastoral and study support from a dedicated delivery team, the course also focuses much of its delivery on sustainable and renewable engineering.

If this is the course you are looking for you can apply directly. Need help with the apply process? Click here

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Engineering Centre

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HNC in General Engineering at Level 4 and GCSE English, maths and science grade 4 (C) or above.
Further study or employment in areas such as electrical or communication design, manufacture, maintenance or technical services in the engineering industry.
Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Analyst, Electrical Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Technical Officer.

The cost for our HNC in total is £8000 over two years.

You will be assessed by a mixture of practical skills-based tests, workplace projects, assignments and online exams.

Why work in the Engineering Industry?

Employment in Engineering roles is down NAN% since 2021

Wide range of jobs in the Why work in the Engineering Industry

Excellent choice of employers in the area

Qualifications & levels explained

There is a wide range of qualifications and levels available, but not all of them may be right for you. If you’re not sure what qualification type or level you should be searching for, take a look at our qualifications explained.

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