Biomedical Science Level 3

BTEC Extended Diploma

This course is ideal if you are wanting to pursue a career in medical science.


Level 3

Attendance - Full-time
Duration - 2 years
Start date - September-June
Where - Huddersfield Centre

Course Overview

Biomedical Science looks at both theoretical and practical ways of working. This course will focus on the practical application of biological sciences, alongside complimentary units in the chemistry and medical field. You will explore a range of different modules to help broaden your understanding of biomedical science.
Units on the course will cover a range of topics such as laboratory techniques, principles and applications of all sciences, practical scientific procedures, as well as taking part in an Investigative project. You will conduct experiments and research to enable you to understand the application and process of chemistry, biology and physics within the medical field.
You will work in our fully-equipped science laboratories with top of the range learning resources. Teaching will be complemented by weekly experiments and investigations that will help deepen your understanding of biomedical science. There will be time dedicated to trial and test different experiment techniques.
Work experience is a mandatory part of the course and will enable you to gain the skills and knowledge of how science has evolved in the workplace. Our dedicated team can help you find a suitable placement of your choice. Your learning will be supported through trips and tours that will be beneficial to your learning.
Biomedical Science looks at both theoretical and practical ways of working. This course will focus on the practical application of biological sciences, alongside complimentary units in the chemistry and medical field. You will explore a range of different modules to help broaden your understanding of biomedical science.
You will work in our fully-equipped science laboratories with top of the range learning resources. Teaching will be complemented by weekly experiments and investigations that will help deepen your understanding of biomedical science. There will be time dedicated to trial and test different experiment techniques.
Units on the course will cover a range of topics such as laboratory techniques, principles and applications of all sciences, practical scientific procedures, as well as taking part in an Investigative project. You will conduct experiments and research to enable you to understand the application and process of chemistry, biology and physics within the medical field.
Work experience is a mandatory part of the course and will enable you to gain the skills and knowledge of how science has evolved in the workplace. Our dedicated team can help you find a suitable placement of your choice. Your learning will be supported through trips and tours that will be beneficial to your learning.

Core Skills Gained:

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Huddersfield Centre

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A minimum of 5 GCSEs with the following grades: English and maths at 4 or above and 3 other GCSEs at 4 or above including a science subject.

If you have an EHCP then please be aware that the college needs to have agreed, via the consultation period with your local authority, that we can meet the needs outlined in your EHCP before you can start on a course with us.
Higher Education including degrees in paramedic science, biomedical science, biology, operating departments practitioner and health sciences
You could go on to employment in a scientific and technical area, for example hospital laboratories and research and development.

You will be assessed with coursework, practical assignments and examinations.

Why work in the Sciences Industry?

Employment in Natural Sciences roles are down NAN% since 2021

Wide range of jobs in the Sciences Industry

Excellent choice of employers in the Sciences Industry

Considered a career in the Sciences?

If you’re not sure what to study, why not find out more information about different types of possible careers? Or if you know what you career you want to do but not sure what you need to study, we can help you get one step closer to that dream job.

Qualifications & levels explained

There is a wide range of qualifications and levels available, but not all of them may be right for you. If you’re not sure what qualification type or level you should be searching for, take a look at our qualifications explained.

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We can help you find that perfect career even if you’re not sure what it is yet! At Kirklees College, our mission is to make you as successful as you can be, from finding the right career to gaining the right skills.

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Case Studies


Course title / level

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Course title / level

eeeDonec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

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Crass mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.
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Crass mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.