

Dear Student,
I hope you and your friends and family are keeping well. We are receiving a number of queries regarding completion of student assessments and calculating of results during this time and we want to give you an update.
Ofqual (The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation who regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England) has presented their approach to calculated results and this is now under consultation until 8th May. Click here for the latest update.
Colleges have not yet gained a definitive answer regarding which qualifications will fall into the calculated results list and a number of awarding organisations are currently awaiting further instruction and developing different approaches for colleges to follow.
It has been agreed across the sector that colleges and other educational establishments continue to deliver content of the qualification through online and distance learning methods. We strongly advise you engage with this content in the best way you can and if you have any concerns please inform your tutor/s so the college can support you appropriately. During this time please:
  • keep in regular contact with the college
  • prioritise completing any assessments outstanding before the shutdown on Monday 23rd March and submit to your relevant tutors to further support the prediction of calculated grades.
To avoid disadvantaging any students, the calculated results will not be shared or published by the college or its staff until the relevant Awarding Organisation has completed a thorough quality assurance process and the calculated results have been agreed. Following that, the Awarding Organisations will then publish these in due course, and they will be shared with the college and students.
For any further enquires, please go to the college FAQ on its website here.
Best wishes,

Carmen Gonzalez-Eslava

Vice Principal Curriculum, Performance and Innovation


Further to the decision to cancel all summer GCSE examinations, we would like to reassure all of our learners that Kirklees College is working closely with all the relevant awarding bodies. We will be following all government guidance to ensure that everyone receives a GCSE grade that is fair to all students. Further information available here


The Government announced that from Friday 20th March all colleges will be closed until further notice. At this stage we cannot say when Kirklees College will reopen. However, we will work hard to ensure that all our students, in particular the most vulnerable, remain supported at this very difficult and challenging time. All Kirklees College centres are currently closed. All teaching, learning and working has moved on-line until further notice.