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Kirklees College announce training partnership with Stellantis


two motor vehicle students

Kirklees College is delighted to announce its partnership with Stellantis.

As part of the college’s work experience programme, Level 3 Motor Vehicle students will be able to access Stellantis’ Rising Stars Technical Traineeship programme.

The one-year programme offers students the opportunity to access training and mentorship whilst completing their course, as well as part-time paid employment at a local car dealership. Stellantis will put students in touch with retailers and if the interview is successful, the student will be hired on a part-time basis.

Students will also have access to in-person training with accommodation, food and transport all fully funded through the programme and college.

At the end of the programme, students will have another interview with retailers and have the opportunity to gain full-time employment.

Gareth Mitchell, Curriculum Area Manager for Engineering and Motor Vehicle at Kirklees College said:

“We are excited to be partnering with Stellantis on their Rising Stars Technical Traineeship Programme. Work experience is a vital part of our students’ study programme and this programme offers a fantastic opportunity for our Motor Vehicle students to gain real-world experience alongside their qualification and a clear route to progress to full-time employment.”

To find out more about our Motor Vehicle courses, visit https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/subjects/motor-vehicle/

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